18.4-34 타이어 PR-1 패턴은 농업 트랙터에 사용됩니다.

18.4-34 타이어 PR-1 패턴 개요

When it comes to agricultural and industrial machinery, choosing the right tire can make all the difference. The 18.4-34 tire with a PR-1 pattern stands out as a versatile option, offering a unique blend of durability, performance, and cost-effectiveness. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into every aspect of the 18.4-34 tire PR-1 pattern, exploring its size, pressure, tread depth, and more. Whether you’re a farmer looking to upgrade your equipment or simply curious about tire specifications, this article will provide all the information you need.

18.4-34 타이어 PR-1 패턴은 농업 트랙터에 사용됩니다.

세부 사양 18.4-34 Tire PR-1 Pattern

Understanding the specifics of the 18.4-34 tire PR-1 pattern is crucial for making an informed decision. Here, we break down the key details in an easy-to-understand table.

크기 및 사양

타이어 크기18.4-34
전체 직경62 inches
섹션 너비18.4인치
트레드 폭15인치
림 직경34인치
최대 부하7,200 lbs
Tire Weight230 lbs
인플레이션 압박24 psi
트레드 깊이23/32인치
플라이 등급(PR)1 (PR-1)

타이어 사이즈에 대한 설명

The tire size 18.4-34 refers to specific dimensions and characteristics that are vital for compatibility and performance.

18.4The tire’s section width in inches when mounted and inflated, indicating a broad footprint.
34The diameter of the rim in inches that the tire fits onto, showing its compatibility with larger rims.

PR Rating and Its Importance

The Ply Rating (PR) gives insights into the tire’s strength and load capacity.

PR 등급설명
PR-1Indicates a single-ply construction, typically suitable for light to moderate loads and providing a balance between flexibility and strength.

트레드 패턴 설명

The PR-1 tread pattern offers unique advantages tailored for specific applications.

디자인Chevron or zig-zag pattern designed for optimal traction and self-cleaning in soft soil conditions.
Depth23/32 inches tread depth providing adequate ground grip and longer wear life.
SpacingWider spacing between lugs to prevent clogging and maintain traction in muddy conditions.
18.4-34 타이어 PR-1 패턴은 농업 트랙터에 사용됩니다.

공급업체 및 가격 세부 정보

When it comes to purchasing, knowing where to buy and the cost involved is crucial. Here’s a look at some suppliers and their pricing for the 18.4-34 tire PR-1 pattern.

공급업체가격 범위위치연락처
Tire Mart$700 – $900전국1-800-555-1234
Farm Tires Co.$750 – $950중서부1-800-555-5678
AgriSupply$720 – $930Southeast1-800-555-7890
TractorTire Depot$710 – $920Onlinewww.tractortiredepot.com

애플리케이션 18.4-34 Tire PR-1 Pattern

Understanding where and how to use the 18.4-34 tire PR-1 pattern can help you maximize its benefits.

농업 트랙터Ideal for general farm use, providing excellent traction and durability on fields.
산업 장비Suitable for light to medium-duty industrial machines that require robust yet flexible tires.
건설 기계Effective on construction sites, especially for tasks involving soil and loose material.
유틸리티 차량Can be used on utility vehicles for varied terrain and conditions, offering stability and grip.

Benefits of the 18.4-34 Tire PR-1 Pattern

Why should you consider this specific tire? Here are some compelling benefits.

내구도Single-ply construction offers resilience and a longer lifespan for various applications.
트랙션The PR-1 pattern ensures optimal traction on soft and muddy surfaces, enhancing performance.
비용 대비 효과Lower ply rating typically translates to a more affordable tire without sacrificing essential performance.
다양성Suitable for a wide range of applications, from agriculture to light industrial use.
18.4-34 타이어 PR-1 패턴은 농업 트랙터에 사용됩니다.

다양한 유형의 타이어 비교

Choosing the right tire involves comparing various options. Here’s how the 18.4-34 tire PR-1 pattern stacks up against other types.

기능18.4-34 PR-1 Pattern18.4-34 PR-2 Pattern18.4-34 PR-4 Pattern
프라이 등급124
내구도보통높음매우 높은
비용낮추기보통더 높은
최상의 사용General/AgricultureHeavy DutyExtreme Heavy Duty


To wrap things up, let’s address some common questions about the 18.4-34 tire PR-1 pattern.

What does 18.4-34 mean?It refers to the tire’s section width (18.4 inches) and the rim diameter (34 inches).
What is the PR-1 pattern?The PR-1 pattern indicates a single-ply rating, suitable for moderate loads and providing flexibility.
How long does the tire last?Lifespan can vary based on usage, but with proper maintenance, it typically offers a long service life.
Is this tire suitable for heavy-duty use?While it’s versatile, for extreme heavy-duty applications, a higher ply rating might be preferable.
이 타이어는 어디에서 구입할 수 있나요?Various suppliers offer it, including Tire Mart, Farm Tires Co., AgriSupply, and TractorTire Depot.


The 18.4-34 tire with a PR-1 pattern is a reliable and versatile option for many agricultural and light industrial applications. Its unique blend of durability, cost-effectiveness, and performance makes it a worthy consideration for anyone looking to upgrade their machinery. By understanding its specifications, benefits, and applications, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs perfectly.

Remember, the right tire can significantly enhance your equipment’s efficiency and lifespan, making it a crucial investment in your operations. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the suppliers or consult with a tire specialist. Happy tire hunting!

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